
18-30 saal ki umr me amir bnane ke secret/ raaj || How to become billionaire in the age of 18-30 || Ameer kaise bne || How to become billionaire and millionaire || waren Buffett secret of being Rich

2020-09-04 1 Dailymotion

Friends ,
This video is very special .... In this video I have told you what the secret can be so that we become rich at the age of 18-30. In this, what I have told you one point is all very important for you to become rich… It is just that how much you try to implement it in your life…. I would have thought that "I will complete my studies first, that is twelfth grade, after that I will go to college, then graduate and then post graduation, then I will study further as I wish, then let's see how it seems" But such thinking or mentality You can never become rich. One thing is true that we are all engaged in the same crowd where 800-1000 people are needed and there are one million people ready to do that work .... then there is a competition between the people and Then the remaining one lakh 90 thousand people become unemployed again. Friends, to tell the truth, no dog will reach your degree in the outside world ... Sorry, I have been using such words but this is the truth .... You must have something that the whole world does not have.